"Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life." --Herbert Otto

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sidewalk Chalk and Bike Riding Fun

Today I took the twins with me to the grocery store. After arriving home, I went straight to the kitchen to unload and begin cooking. Malachi helped me unload groceries and start the food. The rest of the kids were outside playing. Isaiah and Samara drew rainbows on the sidewalk.

Then we got out the bikes and started riding. Everyone but Samara wanted to show me what tricks they could do. Here's a picture of Seth riding as fast as he can!

For some reason, Samara didn't want to ride her bike. She was just bouncing around and being silly. And she wanted her picture taken, as usual!

She also wanted to race next to the boys while she was on foot and the boys were on their bikes, as you can see in the video clip below.

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