"Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life." --Herbert Otto

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Sea Shuttles"???

We tried a new fishin' hole in Garland. We didn't get a lot of bites but the ones we did get were nice sized catfish. Since the fishing was slow, the kids put down their poles and played around. Isaiah pretended to be the leader of the army and led the others with "Hut...two...three...four...Hut...two...three...four!". They each had a good sized stick in their hands which served as a rifle. If Isaiah thought an enemy was near he would hold up his hand as a signal for everyone to "get down" and "be quiet"! They would all crouch down on either side of the sidewalk or sometimes hide behind a tree. I enjoyed watching them while waiting for the fish to bite.

They also found lots of snail shells that Jada called "sea shuttles". No matter how many times I corrected the terminology they continued to call them sea shuttles. Here's a pic of their discovery.

(No Seth does not have a Charlie Chaplin mustache, he fell on the concrete last week while playing basketball with the big boys.)

They also found a little baby turtle shell. They wanted to know why the turtle died if it was only a baby.

And what would a blog be without a pic of someone "throwing up" a peace sign?

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